The first day we arrived in London, we went to the hostel or hotel, I can't remember, to drop our suitcases. Then we did a tour with a pretty nice guy, he was that nice that he got married with 7 of our class and also killed them. The tour lasted the whole day. The highlights of the tour were the whole marriage thing, the squirrel and another one that I cannot remember.
The second day we went to the museum, in there we had to find some objects, like mummies and that kind of things and take photos with them, and this was mandatory. Then we went to Camden Market where we ate and shopped. The best of the CM was a huge futuristic store where the first-floor they sell gadgets and stuff like that, the second-floor clothes and the third there was a sex-shop. It still doesn't make any sense to me but was quite funny though. Then we take a ship trip inside the London trip, tripception. To finish the day we take another tour, one about Jack the Ripper, such a funny dude.
The third day we started in the art museum and then we had free time. We went to Oxford Street to see shops and that stupid stuff. Later we decided to go to the London Bridge, but we had some trouble and we ended on the next bridge. We took some pics and we get up to the train to arrive in time to the another museum we had to go. Here comes the twist, we had more troubles in the subway, and we arrived like and hour and a half late. We thought the teachers were going to kill us, but nothing happened indeed. Quite strange. In the night we went to a market for rich people, I felt like they were going to throw me out anytime.
The last day we didn't do the big thing. We just walked around seeing stuff and so. The only two things that were not lame, were the Shakespeare's Globe and one thing that I really don't know what name does it have, but it was a circle that expels water vapor and you cannot see a thing, the half of the pictures I take from this trip were here, and it's just gray and silhouettes of people, I'm kinda weird.
And that's all.