You are alive, I'm alive, he is alive, they are alive, we are alive.
Maybe this you already know this, but enough?.
You see all this people, all this people are alive. All this people have a name. All this people have brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, jobs, hobbies, duties, problems, likes, and the most important, his history. All of them have his history. And you too.
Perhaps we never got to see us. But this not impede they still alive, someone in somewhere somehow.
They have his history, and his history runs without you, and your history without him.
This makes me think. The life is the most important of all lifes. And the life is very common.
This makes me feel strange, This makes me feel small. This makes me feel that we are all small.
domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015
Donald Trump Appears to Mock Disabled Reporter
Donald Trump mocked to Serge Kovaleski, a periodist with arthrogryposis, a disable which limits movility of joints.
Trump the next day, he claimed he was not familiar with Kovaleski's apparence and not aware of his conditins.
TRUMP STRIKES BACK. Really, this man is really funny. Maybe he won't be the best president, but could be the funniest. (Like Valentine)
Donald Trump mocked to Serge Kovaleski, a periodist with arthrogryposis, a disable which limits movility of joints.
Trump the next day, he claimed he was not familiar with Kovaleski's apparence and not aware of his conditins.
TRUMP STRIKES BACK. Really, this man is really funny. Maybe he won't be the best president, but could be the funniest. (Like Valentine)
Donald Trump’s Horrifying Plan for American Muslims
What would do Donald Trump after all the events of the Middle East.
He would not permise the acess to any refugees, and, the most juicy, he would register all Muslims in a datebase.
This is similar that what did the nazis to the jews. When one periodist asked if this comparation was justified, they said "You tell me".
OMFG. This Trump have balls of steel, say something as unethical. This man has my applause, I don't agree with his ideology but, clap clap clap Mr. Trump, clap clap clap.
What would do Donald Trump after all the events of the Middle East.
He would not permise the acess to any refugees, and, the most juicy, he would register all Muslims in a datebase.
This is similar that what did the nazis to the jews. When one periodist asked if this comparation was justified, they said "You tell me".
OMFG. This Trump have balls of steel, say something as unethical. This man has my applause, I don't agree with his ideology but, clap clap clap Mr. Trump, clap clap clap.
Turkey to hand over Russian pilot's body after Syria downing
The prime minister from Tukey, Ahmet Davutoglu, will return the body of Oleg Peshkov, the pilot died when he was flying "Turkish Area".
This incident make Russia angry, Vladimir Putin signed a decree that covers imports from Turkey.
After that, the priesident from Turkey declined to apologise to Russia.
This is the least they could do after shoot a Russian plane in non Turkish area.
The prime minister from Tukey, Ahmet Davutoglu, will return the body of Oleg Peshkov, the pilot died when he was flying "Turkish Area".
After that, the priesident from Turkey declined to apologise to Russia.
This is the least they could do after shoot a Russian plane in non Turkish area.
Dog did the dog, when he wasn't a dog
The mad scientific, Antonio Ricardo Norse of Oslo, aka Arno, wants be a dog. To make that he does an experiment. The experiment was successful, he became a dog, but his dog became a human. He went to visit the goblins to reverse the effects of the experiment in the dog. The mad scientific took his caravan, and went to visit the goblins.
The goblins weren't in his village, they were in the high sky mountains of the death. They started a long voyage to find the goblins.
The first passage was the doomed park of doom, the park was full of... em... no, it was empt..., empty but full of nothing.
-I have a bad feeling- said Arno
-HEY!-said a voice- Look out for that sni...-
Arno died and the dog too.
Conclucion, don't try do the dog.
The goblins weren't in his village, they were in the high sky mountains of the death. They started a long voyage to find the goblins.
The first passage was the doomed park of doom, the park was full of... em... no, it was empt..., empty but full of nothing.
-I have a bad feeling- said Arno
-HEY!-said a voice- Look out for that sni...-
Arno died and the dog too.
Conclucion, don't try do the dog.
COMING OF AGE: Tracy and Chee Seng
My class and I read The best of times and watched Thirteen, this two film have a similar plot, two young main character with problems in their lives. Let's start compare this two stories.
I advise, THIS IS MY OPINION, said that, I'll start.
Chee Seng, the main character of The best of times is a Malasyan boy with a divorced parents, like Tracy, the MC of Thirteen.
Chee Seng and Tracy they were involved with "bad" influence, and this is the principal diference between these two char.
Chee Seng was involved because his friends "killed" his dog, and Tracy because she wanted be popular.
Tracy wanted the change of herself. Chee Seng not.
Yes, yes, "Tracy have a worst family status", maybe, but she lived with it lot of years; for Chee Seng was a shock, one day my dad fucks my aunt, next day my dad run away, next day my mom hits me.
Tracy absorved the personality of Evie, Chee Seng remains the same.
Chee Seng is more mature than Tracy.
I advise, THIS IS MY OPINION, said that, I'll start.
Chee Seng, the main character of The best of times is a Malasyan boy with a divorced parents, like Tracy, the MC of Thirteen.
Chee Seng and Tracy they were involved with "bad" influence, and this is the principal diference between these two char.
Chee Seng was involved because his friends "killed" his dog, and Tracy because she wanted be popular.
Tracy wanted the change of herself. Chee Seng not.
Yes, yes, "Tracy have a worst family status", maybe, but she lived with it lot of years; for Chee Seng was a shock, one day my dad fucks my aunt, next day my dad run away, next day my mom hits me.
Tracy absorved the personality of Evie, Chee Seng remains the same.
Chee Seng is more mature than Tracy.
Pucci likes this
Now a song. Thats a hard topic...
I have lots of favorite songs, all of them connect with me in a different way.
I will talk about one of these songs. One in english.
I have lots of favorite songs, all of them connect with me in a different way.
I will talk about one of these songs. One in english.
Queen - Made in Heaven
I'm taking my ride with destiny
Willing to play my part
Living with painful memories
Loving with all my heart
Made in heaven, made in heaven
It was all ment to be, yeah
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what they say
Can't you see
Oh I know, I know, I know that it's true
Yes it's really ment to be
Deep in my heart
I'm having to learn to pay the price
They're turning me upside down
Waiting for possibilities
Don't see too many around
Made in heaven, made in heaven
It's for all to see
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what everybody says
Everybody says to me
It was really ment to be
Yeah, yeah
When stormy weather comes around
It was made in heaven
When sunny skies break through behin the clouds
I wish it could last forever, yeah
Wish it could last forever, forever
I'm playing my role in history
Looking to find my goal
Taking in all this misery
But giving in all my soul
Made in heaven, made in heaven
It was all ment to be, yeah
Made in heaven, made in heaven
That's what everybody says
Wait and see, it was really ment to be
So plain to see
Yeah, everybody, everybody, everybody tells me so
Yes it was plain to see, yes it was ment to be
Written in the stars...
Written in the stars...
Woah, this song, Mercury wrote this song when he knew he was going to die.
Said that, the song takes other way, really? He talks about his fate.
I like this song because "It was all meant to be", and I belive in that.
I don't know how should I describe why I like one song, it is just this, I like it. Empathy maybe.
Blow mind = Love

9 reinas is a movie directed by Fabián Bielinsky in 2000. The film was nominated to 24 awards, and won 21.
The history talks about two con artists, Marcos and Juan. Marcos, see Juan doing a scam. After see that, Marcos decide recruit Juan because, scamming in pairs is more easy. Juan accept the offer.
After that, the new couple of scammers have an unique opportunity, one in one million.
And the story is about this, the unique opportunity. Any more information is spoiler.
It is the kind of story that I like, stories with a epic finale.
A finale like this ---->
Lions or the Sun
Okay, you see it, now, think about it.
Who would win?
Maybe you think it's a stupid question, maybe it is.
But, thats alot of lions.
1,000,000,000,000 of lions.
1 Sun.
Now think it again.
Can the lions win the sun?
They can do lots of tactics:
600 billions make a frontal attack.
400 billions make a sneak attack.
They can evolve because the Sun is pacific.
After evolve, make weapons able to blow up the sun.
Wait until the Sun feel sick
after so many spins around the earth.
And I didn't said the cons of the sun:
No eyes, can't see the lions coming.
No arms, can't hold a gun.
Turns off at night.
And the pros of the lions:
Can use sunscreen.
They have claws and fangs.
They are Kings.
Now do it again.
Think it.
Can 1,000,000,000,000 of lions win 1 Sun?
Okay, jokes aside.
They really can?
The lions have a average mass of 190kg
2*10^30kg aprox
No, they can't.
Sad, but it's true.
miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015
A hole in my chest
I will talk about one of my favavorite anime. (Literally remembering this I get goose bumps)
Clannad, VN, manga, movie and anime, realized in 05, 05, 07 and 07 respectively; narrate the history of Okazaki Tomoya.
Tomoya hates his life. His mother died when he was young, because of this, his father became an alcoholic and a gambling addicted. Tomoya had problems with his father because of his problems. Tomoya hates his life.
One day he meets Nagisa Furukawa, he decides help she to reform the drama club because he have lot of time to kill. He didn't know with this decition will chage his life. During this period, Tomoya meets other girls (yes, it's japan, what did you expected?), all with her own internal problems.
Clannad, VN, manga, movie and anime, realized in 05, 05, 07 and 07 respectively; narrate the history of Okazaki Tomoya.
Tomoya hates his life. His mother died when he was young, because of this, his father became an alcoholic and a gambling addicted. Tomoya had problems with his father because of his problems. Tomoya hates his life.
One day he meets Nagisa Furukawa, he decides help she to reform the drama club because he have lot of time to kill. He didn't know with this decition will chage his life. During this period, Tomoya meets other girls (yes, it's japan, what did you expected?), all with her own internal problems.
Why I will be fucked up doing all posts in two days
The binding of Isaac, game created by Edmund McMillen in 2011; tells the history of Isaac.
Isaac is a child who lives with his mother. The life was simple, until the day when his mother heard a voice from adove:
"Your son has been corrupted by sin, you need sacrifice him"
"Yes my lord, I will prove my devotion on you"
Isaac trying to escape of his mother, entered in a trapdoor to the basement.
And now, strats the adventure.
I love this game, it have a nice way to keep you playing in it, with tons of combination, monsters and rooms. Normally one run of this game, lasts between 30 min and 1 hour depending of you combination, and these 45 min of averege, pass as it they were 10 min.
The items of have a warped sense of humor, for example, the belt of your mother make your speed icrease; and too have lots of biblical reference like the Bible that makes you fly. And I didn't said the more funny, you kill the monsters with your own tears.
The monsters, are so creepy and bizarre, you fight against you supposed aborted brothers, the seven deadly sins, your mother among others.
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