viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

Zero Escape from reality

Zero Time Dilemma's cover

"Recently" I finished  saga. The plot of the entire saga could be "Zero trapped you somewhere, you have to escape somehow. Enjoy.", but I'm not gonna talk about the games, at least not in this post. "Then why are you talking about it?".
In the last game, Zero Time Dilemma, SPOILER ALERT, our main characters can SHIFT, especially Carlos, he will SHIFT during all the f*cking game, what stand for Spacetime Human Internal Fluctuating Transfer; or in other words, jump through dimensions, just like Valentine's D4C but without his awesomeness. To SHIFT the user must be under a great pressure, or just die.
Carlos is a firefighter, a sexy blond mexican firefighter. In the story, they explains that when Carlos was in a burning building, when he failed, he just SHIFTed to another timeline where he was successful. Carlos wasn't aware about this, he just  SHIFTed. 
That makes me think, besides the "dilemma" that says when you jump, you kill the owner of the new body, because you were shifting your souls. For me the big problem is that if you're not aware, you are living without knowing that you are always "dying". As we do. 
Two weeks ago, I was walking quietly when suddenly, tinoninonino, a wild dog appeared. When I looked the dog, I felt like it was biting me in the neck. I felt it really real, but it never happened.
I don't mean that we can SHIFT but... that makes sense, somehow. Dimensional hop is an hoption, and anybunny, even you, carrot say the hopposite. If we're constantly jumping, that would explain why are we still alive.
I didn't said that it could be a SHIFT, but as you can't prove that it wasn't, it means that actally it was, through devil's proof

Crazy clowns aren't moe

The recent wave of "people" mentally ill disguising like clown and scaring people is a big problem. 
To solve this problem people are dressing up like Batman to kick the ass of those crazy clowns.
Those "clowns" aren't making people happy, they are freaking them out, and sometimes hurting them, f*cking clowns.
I can use Moe again,
 but he isn't really a crazy clown,
 he is just a bad one
This is a really bizarre scene, clowns are coming out of nowhere, and then Batman coming form nowhere too, to punch in the face of those clowns. Just imagine it, I would pay for see it, or... I maybe can buy one of those costumes and start beating up clowns... or do the opposite.

In the edge.

In the news there is one clown laughing for some reason.
A 14 years old girl form England, searched: "the best place to stab someone in order to kill them". You know how this will end, don't you?
The next day, she went with her friend to a distant place from anyone.
There's a storm brewing.
To make that possible, she said that she had a gift, and when they were alone, she told her to close her eyes, and then... She pulled out a knife to attempt to kill her friend, but she opened her eyes and ran out.
The day before this attempt, she cut a smile in her cheeks like Joker's ones.
In the trial, the jury discovered that she was a fixated with serial killers.
She was found guilty, but the judge did not pass a sentence, there are some reports that he/she needed.
Besides this try to kill her friend, she had a detailed plan for school shooting, and she plotted to kill her family while they were sleeping.


It's funny cuz it's true

This is the podcast