domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

The true of our canine friends

Dogs are our animal friends, we all know that, but now we have a prove how they became ou friend, a scientific prove.
Our actual dogs have the ability to digest starchy foods, unlike their familiars the wolfs, which are carnivores.
If we analyze DNA from ancient dogs we can see that they have that ability too. Theories says that the ancients dogs were wolfs, and the humans used them tas hunting companions, while they were training and taming them, and we're feeding them with our leftovers.
They were lot of time being our companions, so long as they changed they DNA, we estimate that it happened like 15k years ago.
We know that, but we don't know how and when this relationship began exactly, but we know that we have been lot of time together.

BTW, did you notice that dog is God backwards? That's a shocking truth!

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