domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

Flying Fairy

is my favorite game.

This is a short synopsis:

The 4 elemental crystals maintained the balance of the forces in Luxendarc, but one day they were consumed by darkness, causing chaos through the whole world.
The story starts with the village of Norende, that has been annihilated, because a great chasm has been opened below the village, all the citizens of Norende were swallowed by the chasm, all but one, Tiz Arrior, a shepherd.
Tiz goes to Norende to find more survivors, but there are no one, but there is someone in the chasm, Agnès Oblige, followed by a Airy, a fairy. Agnès is being sought by the duchy of Eternia, because she is the Vestal of Wind Crystal, then Tiz decides travel with Agnès as her protector.
Later, Ringabel joins to the crew, he's an amnesic vagrant who have a book that predicts future events, the D Journal; also,  Edea Lee joins, a soldier of the duchy, which is the princess of Eternia.
Now, with all the crew the plan is simply, Airy said that if they can eliminate the darkness of the 4 crystal, and awake them, she could restore the balance in the world.

That's all what you need to understand what I'm gonna explain, so, if you didn't played the BD, and you want to play one of the best game in 3ds, don't read what is below.


I didn't wanted to do a deep description of the BD's story, (and believe me, this wasn't even the 5% of all the plot), I prefer talk about the details that make this game fantastic. Not the 10/10 OST, not the story, not the characters, but the D Journal and Airy.
First of all I have I have to talk what happens when you awake the 4 crystals. When you do it a column of light appears and when you cross it, you are sent to a parallel world.
Do you remember Ringabel's journal? I said that the D can predict future events, but that isn't exactly true. Ringabel and the D are from another world, the previous world.
The fact that you can know the whole story when you get the D, even the end: the betrayal of your companion Airy. The game gives you all the cards to know all, and it's a very strange feel.
The last page of the D shows you a 63, but it isn't a 63, is a 6 and Airy's wing. The 6 is the number of world that remains, this isn't really a big deal, unless by the fact that you're always seeing Airy's wing, even when you cross to another world, but you don't see the changing number.
But this isn't the most shocking fact about the game, the title of game is Flying Fairy. Just remove the Fs. You had it in front of your eyes all your time, even before play the game. Is a little detail that totally shocks you when you realize that was there, but you were still following Airy's plan.
It was the truth that was in front of your eyes, but you never realized.

The true of our canine friends

Dogs are our animal friends, we all know that, but now we have a prove how they became ou friend, a scientific prove.
Our actual dogs have the ability to digest starchy foods, unlike their familiars the wolfs, which are carnivores.
If we analyze DNA from ancient dogs we can see that they have that ability too. Theories says that the ancients dogs were wolfs, and the humans used them tas hunting companions, while they were training and taming them, and we're feeding them with our leftovers.
They were lot of time being our companions, so long as they changed they DNA, we estimate that it happened like 15k years ago.
We know that, but we don't know how and when this relationship began exactly, but we know that we have been lot of time together.

BTW, did you notice that dog is God backwards? That's a shocking truth!

Plastic News

If you ever wonder why seabirds eat plastic, I have your answer. But before that, let's start with the "braseo".
About the 90% of the seabirds eat plastic, we know that the seabirds identificate the food via smell, and analyzing the plastic that they eat, which is the surface of the sea, they found chemicals that our winged friends associate with food, but now are also associated with plastic. This chemical is similar to the odour of a cabbage, which is also the odour of algae or phytoplankton. The fact that the plastic could be shiny, and attract the birds and the confusing odour, made the seabirds eat all this palstic.
And thats why they eat plastic.

I prefer not post images, cuz the only images that I could put are from dead birds and stuff like that.