domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

Why should we stop now?

There is a limit?

We conquered the world, we conquered the seas, we conquered the space. Where is the limit?
There is no limit for us. We are small, and we need to feel us big. Or at least I think is that.
And when we more know, we become more small, and this became a vicious circle.
We know that, but we still do it, why? Because this will make some sense ever.
When we will know all physics laws in the whole universe, we will see that there are more, and more.
Because we are small, and the reality is inmesurable.

We could make life, teletransportation, time travel, live where we want, conquer the whole universe, etc... but there will still be some things that we don't know, because, this life is limitless.

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