miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

My ugly problem. You get it? Ugly in spanish is fea, and FEA is the game that I'm talking... Darío used Humor++, it isn't very effective.

Recently I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening.

FE is a game about war, with a gamemode based in turns. You have your units, and the enemy have their units. Every turn, you move your soldiers and fight againts the enemy.
So far so good, but there is a little detail that is very important about this game. There are two modes: Casual, if your units die, they respawn; and Classic, if your units die, they die, forever.

Obviusly I'm a tryharder and I played Classic. This mode made you appreciate more your soldiers, and not use them like kamikaze because, "meh, they will respawn".
Not only the fact that if they die, they die, all characters have their own personality, making them more human, not like a pawn that you can sacrifice if you need it.

And that's the "problem", I grew fond with them. You maybe think this isn't really a problem, but let me explain it.
In some point in the story you can marry each other. After the marriage, you get a child.
And the fucking child is the problem. If you marry two strong characters, they geta more strong child.

So my problem is: Should I marry them to get the strongest combo of childre or marry them to make they "happy"?
For example, Daraen is one of the main character, I can marry him with Nowi, the dragon loli, to get two dragons; also I can marry him with Tharja, why? Because they make beautiful couple.

And that's the problem. Yeah, it's pretty stupid. But I don't know what should I do.

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